May 2013 Field Update: Developing the Matsés copaiba resin sustainable economy program!

Thank you, again, for helping support our efforts in the Amazon! Since launching our website in March, the Acaté team has been hard at work on all fronts. Stateside, we have been intensively networking with like-minded individuals, companies, and foundations with shared interest in protecting the rainforest and the peoples that depend on it for […] Continue reading »

Perú’s Recent Petroleum Concessions Don’t Include Amazon – For Now

Unfortunately, petroleum exploration in Perú has a long and tortured history. Fortunately, this very moment, all that damage is consciously changing into greater awareness and respect. Many environmental and social travesties have befallen indigenous people and rich biomes throughout the world, but with the Andean/Amazonian region of Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Perú, and Bolivia sharing the […] Continue reading »

President Correa, Don’t Auction the Amazon for Oil

Online petition site, Care2, is gathering signatures to show solidarity behind the movement to halt auctioning off giant swaths of pristine Amazon rainforest for oil exploitation. The petition will be delivered to Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa once the signature goal of 42,000 is met. Let’s join together to let our global voice be heard that […] Continue reading »

Petroleum Extraction and Contamination Crisis in Peru and Ecuador

Indigenous communities under increasing threat in Peru and Ecuador Resource extraction, mainly from petroleum, is exerting a heavy toll on the indigenous inhabitants and environment in the headwaters of the Amazon basin. Peru Officially Declares State of Environmental Emergency In a northern and remote area of Peru’s Amazon region an official state of emergency has […] Continue reading »


Greetings and thank you for visiting Acaté Amazon Conservation. We are delighted to be going public with our non-profit organization, Acaté. More than 10 years ago, we first engaged with the Matsés people in the Galvez region of Perú, in the heart of one of the most biodiverse regions and cradles of life on our […] Continue reading »