Topic: amazon rainforest

President Correa, Don’t Auction the Amazon for Oil

black scorpion and bromeliad during night jungle hike in amazon rainforest

Online petition site, Care2, is gathering signatures to show solidarity behind the movement to halt auctioning off giant swaths of pristine Amazon rainforest for oil exploitation. The petition will be delivered to Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa once the signature goal of 42,000 is met. Let’s join together to let our global voice be heard that […] Continue reading »


Welcome to Acaté Acaté Amazon Conservation welcome non-profit public sunset over rio napo in mazan peru

Greetings and thank you for visiting Acaté Amazon Conservation. We are delighted to be going public with our non-profit organization, Acaté. More than 10 years ago, we first engaged with the Matsés people in the Galvez region of Perú, in the heart of one of the most biodiverse regions and cradles of life on our […] Continue reading »