Donate Now
In a world beset with deforestation driven by global overconsumption, shifting climate, and extinction of species, the challenges may seem overwhelming, if insurmountable, at times. How can one individual or one organization make a difference? By donating to Acaté, you make your voice heard and you take the fight back to the forests where the indigenous peoples are locked in a perilous struggle for the inextricable fate of these incredible ecosystems and their own destiny.
The indigenous peoples of the Amazon are at precipice – the time is now – as their fates will be defined by our generation. Your support is critical. Logging companies and petroleum firms are not encumbered with a lack of funding. They are successful because they have vast resources backing up their exploitative, but unfortunately, highly profitable ventures.

Urania moth feeding on moisture in the mud ©Acaté
No gift to Acaté is too small or too large, and it will always be used appropriately and judiciously in generating real and measurable results for our mission. That is our sincere promise to both the communities we work with and you as a donor. We will always be transparent in how your contribution is allocated so that you know your money is going towards real and measurable progress on the ground in the Amazon. Frequent updates through our website will allow you to track and visualize the real time effects of your philanthropic efforts. We encourage you to contact us directly if you require more specific information regarding our projects.
Spread the Word

You don’t have to get muddy to help Acaté preserve and protect endangered tropical rainforests
Acaté needs types of support to ensure a successful development and implementation of our field projects. One effective way to aid our endeavors is spreading the word about Acaté’s environmental conservation and cultural preservation efforts in Peru to your networks. Let your friends, family, foundations, colleagues, professors, and favorite news sources know about Acaté’s work by sharing our website and social media. It is through the power of your associations that we can achieve awareness and enduring success in the protection of these extraordinary people and their forests.
If you have talents that could be of service to Acaté’s mission we welcome every dialog possible to make our work as valuable and high-impact as possible. We are open to collaborations with researchers, environmentalists, legal specialists, grant writers, news outlets, permaculturists, agroforestry experts, and progressive companies in search of natural products such as sustainably-harvested sangre de grado and copaiba for cosmetic, medicinal or nutritional needs. Acaté’s vision is relevant to every person on the planet and your gifts have the ability to make an impact. Should you see an area in our work where your expertise can make a difference, please contact us and we will explore ways for collaboration.